November, 5-8, 2024 | Rimini

Friday, November 8, 2024, 2 pm| Agorà Blue Economy – ECOMONDO, Rimini Fair

The Blue Way

The Blue Way: the sea begins in the mountain

Let’s envision a future that is already unfolding—the future for those embarking on The Blue Way, today and tomorrow.

The exploration of the Adriatic Sea as a “unique and interconnected flow” offers a forward-looking perspective on the hydrosphere, positioning it as a scenario-laboratory for sustainability and oceanic health. This event emphasizes immersive experiences showcasing local initiatives that contribute to a global vision of environmental stewardship. The focus extends across the hydrosphere, including inland and coastal waters, underwater ecosystems, and sustainable circular processes. It also highlights the multifunctionality of coastal and marine activities, blue literacy (educational efforts related to marine ecosystems), and talent promotion, fostering an environment of shared knowledge, exchange, and collective awareness. This embodies “The Blue Way” approach: a comprehensive commitment to interconnected sustainability.

Marco Ardemagni, RAI presenter

Diego Santaliana, Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico
Angelo Serri, director Tipicità
Massimo Bellavista, representative of  Comitato Tecnico Scientifico Ecomondo

Fabrizio Spada, Responsible for Institutional Relations – European Parliament – Office in Italy

Provided by APRE

Ilaria Bientinesi, Citizen Science e Social Engagement
Flavia La Colla, Cluster 6

Francesco Regoli, Director of the Department of Life and Environmental Science – Università Politecnica delle Marche
Anna Maria Bertini, Secretary General Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities (FAIC)
Moreno Clementi, General Manager Viva Servizi
Giorgio Luzi, General Manager Ancona Servizi
Alberto Bernabini, General Manager Agnespower
Luca di Nicola, Senior Product Specialist Infoteam

Franco Scolari, Director of Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico

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